Scout Experience, volunteer program at the Central American Moot.

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One of the most significant events that take place within the worldwide scout movement is a Moot, which is a meeting point for Rover scouts (young people from 17 to 21 years old). The meet received its name directly from scouting founder, Robert Baden-Powell in 1931.10845576_635930463202546_2043644182602365292_o

Moots can have worldwide, regional or national outreach. The XX Central American Rover Moot took place in Cancun, from December 27th 2014 until January 3rd 2015; young people from Mexico and Central America were in attendance. There over 700 hundred participants in total. The main objective, as it always is in scouting events, was to give the participants the opportunity to exercise their international understanding as citizens of the world.

For this particular event the par10534905_635930259869233_5963879134912500708_oticipants experienced a “Scouts of the World” discovery focused on community development, millennium goals and the human rights based approach. There was a sensitization process about the challenges that are encountered around the world, and, on this occasion because of the area they were in, about the different difficulties that the states of Quintana Roo and Yucatán endure. They traveled around different routes within the aforementioned states and had to complete different tasks.

During the last couple of days they visited a global village where they participated in workshops for social projects development, global challenges awareness, team work, sustainability among others.

In this global village, Scout Experience, Ready for Life, had the opportunity to present the volunteer program offered by the project. It is important to mention that Scout Experience and the event share the same objectives, which focus on guiding young people into contributing to their communities’ difficulties, specifically those that have socially and economically vulnerable areas.

10928924_635930019869257_4804493740189478964_oThere was a palpable interest from young people wanting to join the volunteer program, therefore, in the following weeks we expect to receive support from many of them. Their effort will strengthen the communities involved in Scout Experience, Ready for Life project, giving them a unique opportunity for self-growth in an environment filled with adventures, friendship and knowledge.                                                                                                            

Scouts of the World Award, young people serving their community.


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If the reason behind Scouting had to be summarized in only one phrase, it would be the following quote by its founder Robert Baden –Powell “Try and leave this world a little better than you found it”. This phrase guides every scout’s work and of course, is one of the pillars that hold Scout Experience, Ready for Life.

DSC_0381The work that all of us scouts carry out has adapted to confront all of the challenges that are presented nowadays. This is specially witnessed with the rover crew (young people between the ages of 17 and 21 years old) since they already have qualities and the potential to transform their community, besides the typical adventurous spirit from this stage in life. DSC_0345A new opportunity has sprung for them in the past years, a special appreciation of their work, the Scouts of the World Award. This award allows young people to discover the trials to overcome in order to accomplish the millennium development goals and the post- 2015 agenda proposed by the UN.

The Scouts of the World Award is divided in three stages, Exploration (what are my surroundings?, active discovery of the millennium development goals), Answer (how does it impact me?, data recollection and committing to one subject) and Acting (what can I do?, contributing a solution to a problem in a specific area).

DSC_0417Under the leadership of the Scout Experience, Ready for Life team, the first Scouts of the World discovery took place in Baja California from December 5th to the 7th. The focus was community development, and in a fraternal environment, many activities were carried out, that also included a sensitization process of the challenges that are posed on Camino Verde’s community, one of the areas where the project works.

This first Scouts of the World discovery ended with a project elaboration workshop and a fundraising activity to support Scout Experience’s effort through www, The young participants agreed on implementing 5 projects, two alphabetization projects, one drivers education project, one physical activity project and one environmental sustainability project. Camino Verde’s community will be benefitted by a variety of these projects.

DSC_0661A second Scouts of the World discovery is set to take place while the duration of the project. This event will happen from March 29th to April 1st, 2015. Many young scouts have expressed their interest in contributing to the development of our world, transforming their community and joining the Scout Experience, Ready for Life’s main objectives.