Scout pride, achieving sustainability within the groups.

Flyer_OrgulloBeing a scout is something to be proud of without a doubt, and it is experienced by being part of the largest youth organization, having the opportunity to make new friends and grow as a person while contributing to creating a better world. Most importantly, the scout movement creates in each person a particular set of reasons to be proud.

Based on this premise, the Scout Experience, Ready for Life team launched the campaign #elorgullodeserscout (scout pride) on social media, where expeJAVI_MM_TESTIMONIOriences from 18 members of every section from the three groups created in the project are broadcasted. Each of the participants shared their personal story and opinion since they became part of the scout movement, how it has changed them and invited people to donate in benefit of their groups.

Anyone can relate to the message delivered by the children, regardless of being a scout or not. To those who are or were part of the scout movement, listening to the testimonials allows them to reminisce and relate to them. For those who have never been scouts, they can interpret a general concept of the benefits that they receive while being part of the Scout Experience.

It is common to find in the majority of the messages their fondness of learning and making new friends, but they have also shown interest in specific activities such as human rights, caring for the environment, helping their community, amongst others. We kindly ask you to visit the following link and listen to their testimonials at:

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You are also welcome to join #elorgullodeserscout (scout pride) campaign and contribute with a donation to the group of your choosing in a quick and easy manner, with a credit card, debit card or cash in our crowdfunding website in order to continue creating social impact by achieving the sustainability of these groups and the development of young scout leaders.

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